Irish Photographic Federation Newsletter
Our annual wildlife competition against our colleagues in the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA) took place in January. On this occasion it was NIPA’s turn to act as hosts and for the second time the competition was held successfully over Zoom. The two internationally recognised judges provided critical but constructive comments, which were well received, on sixty or so of the almost four hundred entries.
For the fourth year in succession we came away as overall winners, this time by a margin of twenty four marks, 1,000 to 976 (the top thirty from each region are counted). Whilst NIPA won the individual first prize with two stunning tied images, we took second (Alice O'Brien, Dublin Camera Club) and third (Michael Feeney, Drogheda Camera Club) places. We also took all five Highly Commended and four of the nine Commended places. IPF Nature Group placed images are shown below.
All images and results can be viewed at https://www.niphoto.co.uk/inter-regional-wildlife-competition-2021
The Group has its own private Facebook page where members can share their images, but because of the pandemic we have had to curtail our activities and have been unable to arrange any national or overseas trips during the last two years. However, we have been able to take advantage of Zoom with a number of international speakers, two more of which are scheduled for March and April.