Irish Photographic Federation Newsletter
Important Notice
Paul Stanley
FIAP Liaison Officer for Ireland
On the 6th of February, 2021, FIAP provided me with details of new rules for those wishing to apply for FIAP Distinctions.
The new rules come into effect for applications submitted to FIAP
Therefore, there is no effect on those currently being processed, but they will apply to next year’s batch of applications.
It is important for those of you working towards application in 2022 to understand the new rules as soon as possible to ensure appropriate time to prepare across the coming year.
FIAP Liaison Officer for Ireland
What's Inside this Special Notice?
- Summary of new FIAP rules for 2022
- Criteria and Requirements for FIAP Distinctions (2022)
Summary of New FIAP Rules for 2022 Applications
- There are two new Distinctions: - EFIAP Diamond 4 and EFIAP Diamond 5.
- The requirement for print acceptances for AFIAP and EFIAP is gone.
- Any one photograph can only be used towards one distinction; each successive distinction requires new photographs.
- Only 5 acceptances (5 awards for Diamond Levels) from any one photograph can be included in an application.
- The MFIAP Distinction will be based on PDI not prints.
- There are transitional provisions for those working towards EFIAP Sliver, Gold and Platinum.
- There are substantial changes to the number of acceptances and awards across the board, with AFIAP requirements doubling, and EFIAP acceptances effectively increased and a greater number of awarded images required.
- In view of these changes – especially those affecting AFIAP, EFIAP and EFIAP bronze – anyone who has applied for distinctions this year is being offered an opportunity to revise their application. If you wish to do so, please contact Paul Stanley, the FIAP Liaison Officer as soon as possible.
- The timetable for Ireland still sees us having to send all applications to FIAP by the end of March at the very latest. FIAP indicate that they will then be able to review and process the applications with an expected turnaround time of 3 months, as normal.
Criteria and Requirements for FIAP Distinctions (2022)
As of 06 February 2021, FIAP have amended the requirements for FIAP Distinctions. These amended requirements come into effect from 01 January 2022.
This document sets out the requirements to achieve FIAP Awards. It is drawn from the official FIAP document on this subject, which contains guidance aimed at FIAP Liaison Officers’ duties and procedures. Therefore, if you do rely of the FIAP document you may, as one or two have done in the past, find yourself confused as to what is required of you.
The representative for FIAP in Ireland is the person appointed by the IPF Council to be the FIAP Liaison Officer. At the time of writing, this is Paul Stanley FIPF EFIAP/g EsFIAP, who can be contacted via the Contact Us section of the IPF website. The Liaison Officer uses the facilities of the IPF Newsletter to keep everyone up to date on FIAP news, including changes to the requirements. I would recommend that if you have not already done so you should subscribe to the Newsletter via the IPF website.
At this point, some explanation may well be useful. These notes apply to all applications whether for AFIAP, EFIAP or EFIAP Levels applications from Bronze through to Diamond 5.
- Applicants must start with the AFIAP Distinction and must apply for each successive distinction in sequence. You cannot “leap frog” to a higher distinction, and there must be at least 12 months between each application.
- An applicant must have created their own Personal Profile on the FIAP Platform (myfiap.net) and must be the holder of a FIAP Photographer's Card, also obtained via the FIAP Platform. A copy/scan of that card must accompany any application for a distinction. Please refer to the “FIAP Life Card Application Process” document on the IPF website for detailed instructions on how to adhere to these requirements.
- No more than FIVE acceptances from AFIAP through to EFIAP Platinum (or FIVE awards for all Diamond Distinctions) from any one title can be used towards an application for a distinction.
- A photograph (title) can only be used for one distinction. For each subsequent distinction new photographs must be used.
- Titles: - The same photograph submitted to more than one salon under FIAP Patronage or to FIAP Biennials must have the same title. Photographs without a title will not count towards distinctions.
- The acceptance a ‘series of photographs” will only count as 1 acceptance for distinctions.
- ONLY acceptances and awards listed in the FIAP Salon database will be accepted for distinctions.
Acceptances: - A photograph that has been accepted by a jury for inclusion in the exhibition or catalogue
Award: - Any special recognition given to a photograph by the jury of the salon in the form of a prize, medal, Honourable Mention or Diploma.
Portfolios: - All these distinctions require a portfolio of 5 images to be submitted with an application. In each case the 5 images must come from different countries. In all cases whether exhibited as PDI or as Prints they must be submitted in jpeg format, minimum quality level 10, and a minimum of 3,600 pixels on the longest side. A copy of the Portfolio Images will be retained by the IPF for potential use as part of the IPF entry to future FIAP Biennial Exhibitions and other IPF exhibitions promotions, including as low resolution images on the IPF website
Circuits: - This is the type of event that consists of more than one separately selected salon within the one event. Many have salons from different countries within the one circuit. So, if you were to enter 4 images into a section of the circuit, they would be subject to selection more than once; for example, in the case of a Circuit comprising four salons, four separate times by different panels of Selectors. It is therefore possible for you to gain 16 acceptances from your four entries and possibly from more than one country, provided that the actual judging and exhibition of each salon in the circuit takes place in the country allocated to that salon.
Counting Countries: - When assessing how many countries you have achieved towards a distinction, you should be aware that England, Scotland and Wales are regarded as different countries. Each will count towards the required total you have to achieve.
Counting Salons: - Whilst you can claim all these acceptances towards the overall number required for your distinction, a “Circuit” only counts as ONE salon for the following purposes:
- For AFIAP, when assessing if you have the required 3 acceptances for a Portfolio image.
- When making up your Portfolios of images for a distinction. This means that in any one portfolio only one image can come from any one Circuit.
Your first acceptance must be received at least 12 months before you can be awarded your AFIAP certificate.
In this period, you are required to gain: -
- At least 90 acceptances with at least 30 different photographs.
- This success must have come from entries into FIAP Patronised Salons from at least 15 different countries.
You will be required to submit a Portfolio of 5 PDI to FIAP. These must be of photographs that have each received at least 3 acceptances from FIAP Patronised Salons and be from different countries.
Be the holder of the previous distinction for at least 1 year based on the date of the Certificate for that previous distinction and to have gained: -
- At least 250 new acceptances with at least 100 different new photographs.
- This success must have come from entries into FIAP Patronised Salons from at least 30 different countries.
You will be required to submit a Portfolio of 5 PDI to FIAP. These works must be different and not similar to any submitted for any previous distinction.
These images must each have obtained at least 1 award and it shall be from a different country to any of the other 5 in the portfolio. A Circuit is considered a single salon for this purpose.
Be the holder of the previous distinction for at least 1 year based on the date of the Certificate for that previous distinction and to have gained: -
- At least 90 new awards with at least 30 different new photographs.
- This success must have come from entries into FIAP Patronised Salons from at least 15 different countries.
You will be required to submit a Portfolio of 5 PDI to FIAP. These works must be different and not similar to any submitted for any previous distinction.
These images must each have obtained at least 1 award and it shall be from a different country to any of the other 5 in the portfolio. A Circuit is considered a single salon for this purpose.
Applicants for EFIAP Silver, Gold and Platinum (BUT not Bronze) may, in the annual submissions for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024, use either the new criteria as set out above or they can use the previous criteria, set out below. You must be the holder of the previous distinction and have held that for at least 1 year, based on the date on the certificate for the previous.
For ALL EFIAP Levels distinctions, since the date on the Applicant’s EFIAP Distinction Certificate, using titles not used for AFIAP or EFIAP, you must have obtained in total at least, in International salons under FIAP Patronage:
With at least 100 different works
From at least 10 Countries
With at least 150 different works
From at least 15 Countries
With at least 250 different works
From at least 20 Countries
So, having achieved Bronze, you then need a further 100 acceptances from 50 more works for Silver, to make the total of 300 from 100, and so on up the scale.
In addition to the above you will also be required to submit a Portfolio of PDI. These images must be from AWARD winning photographs and to have received awards in a varying number of different countries and different Salons. Those requirements are as follows:
5 photographs awarded in 5 different countries and different salons
6 photographs awarded in 6 different countries and different salons
7 photographs awarded in 7 different countries and different salons
The awarded photographs required for these portfolios are NOT accumulative and in each case these photographs must be different and not resemble or be similar to those submitted in any earlier Portfolio for any previous successful application for any FIAP Distinction.
NB: - Once an application has been made with the new rules this facility ceases.
This is the highest award for photographic merit that FIAP grants and does require photography of the very highest standard and equates to a “doctorate” in educational terms.
If you have already submitted an application and been unsuccessful you must wait for a further 3 years (i.e. 36 months) before FIAP will consider any further application. Additionally, any one person will only be allowed a total of three applications for MFIAP; i.e. after two unsuccessful attempts, failure at a third will mean no further application can be made.
For an application you will be required to submit:
- A completed application dossier using the most recent version prescribed by FIAP.
- A Portfolio of 20 PDI to FIAP. This collection must be coherent from its conception to its realisation and presentation.
- A Curriculum Vitae and introductory text that describes the subject and the creative concept of the photographer. This is to be set out within the Dossier file.
The choice of idea behind the portfolio is left entirely to the initiative of the candidate, who has the largest possible freedom of expression. The portfolio can be built on a theme, be a sequence; or the illustration of a story. These are examples but not an exhaustive list.
This award is by no means automatic and, unlike all those above, the criteria are much more subjective.
The Portfolio will be examined first by a panel of advisers. The final decision is made by the FIAP Board of Directors.
Applications are considered by the members of the FIAP Directory Board and are awarded on a simple majority vote of those members. If the award is not made the candidate receives a written explanation for the rejection.
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