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IPF Newsletter - Special Edition

Keith Elgin Achieves his MPSA

Congratulations to Keith Elgin DPAGB EFIAP/g MPSA ARPS AIPF ABPE

on achieving his MPSA.

Keith Elgin
Keith is the first photographer in Northern Ireland to achieve the distinction of becoming an MPSA (Master of the Photographic Society of America). There are only about 300 photographers worldwide who have reached this distinction and there are only two throughout Ireland; the other photographer being Bill Power in Cork. It requires 1500 acceptances and 500 titles in international salons/exhibitions.
His photographic journey began in the digital age and his passion lies in sports photography with most of his weekends spent on the side-line at one event or another. He also does some studio work, but this is more to fuel his competition entries at national and international levels. Although he lives on the north coast, he is a member of Catchlight Camera Club, Belfast.

Unfortunately due to present circumstances, a formal presentation cannot be made at this time.
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Irish Photographic Federation
Compiled and Edited by Liam Beattie AIPF, ARPS