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Irish Photographic Federation Newsletter

29th FIAP Colour Biennial - Results

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The judging of the 29th FIAP Colour Biennial is now completed and the results have been issued.

Ireland participated in both the Colour Prints and the Digital Images sections and the panels from both are included below.

In the Colour Prints section 36 countries participated and Ireland scored in 5th place. The winners were Great Britain. Ireland receives a FIAP Honourable Mention for this placing. In the Digital Images section 42 countries participated and Ireland was in 21st place. The winners of this section were the Russian Federation.

Two of our photographers received individual awards:

  • Morgan O’Neill received a FIAP Gold Medal for his print titled “Three Ladies and a Boat”
  • John Bermingham received a FPF Gold Medal for his print titled “Droning On and On”
Congratulations to all photographers whose work represented Ireland in these panels, but especially to Morgan and John for their great success.

These results reflect the fantastic photographers we have in Ireland and, also, the work of the IPF selection committee of Des Clinton, Gabriel O’Shaughnessy, Seamus Costello and Paul Stanley to whom we give our thanks.

Special thanks also goes to Gabriel O’Shaughnessy for printing the colour prints. Gabriel has also printed all the recent panels – using the original images submitted by the photographers. This has enabled us to ensure a consistency across the panels which is reflected in the “Coherence Points” they have received.

The results of this Biennial and previous Biennials certainly reflect the quality and standard of club photography in Ireland.


FIAP Liaison Officer for the IPF

Irish Entries FIAP Colour Biennial


    Prints - Final Selection

    Digital Images

    Projected Images - Final Selection - ordered

    Panel Scoring

    Fiap prints results 2021
    Fiap digital results 2021

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    Irish Photographic Federation
    Editor: Ita Pentony LIPF