IPF Logos 14 Colour

Irish Photographic Federation

Notice to Clubs & Members

May 5th, 2021

May 2021 - Distinction Sitting

Audience Attendance

Now Open Online

The Irish Photographic Federation is delighted to announce two distinction sittings in May 2021 as follows:
  • Saturday 22nd for Licentiate and
  • Sunday 23rd for Associateships & Fellowships
Given the current COVID-19 restrictions, both sittings will be online assessments.

We are inviting you to attend. Please complete the form on the IPF website to receive an attendance invite to the Zoom session:

Link: https://irishphoto.ie/may-2021-distinction-audience-attendance/


Irish Photographic Federation
Zoom / Meeting Coordinator

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Irish Photographic Federation
Editor: Ita Pentony LIPF