The Irish Photographic federation is comprised of photographic clubs throughout the Republic of Ireland. It is governed by a National Council, the members of the Council being elected at the AGM from member clubs.
The Federation is very much a co-operative movement which is dedicated to helping Irish photographers advance the standard of their photography. It also promotes awareness of photography as a highly satisfying artistic outlet and as a leisure persuit. Activities include running annual championships in all aspects of photography and the organisation of lecture tours by internationally renowned photographers.
International connections are regarded as an essential part of the Federation’s activities as a means of keeping Irish photographers in touch with outer styles and techniques. The Federation, a member of the Federation Internationale de l’Art Photographique (FIAP), sends panels of images to FIAP’s annual world Championships in various photographic disiplines and generally achieves high ranking in these competitions.
The Federation also adminsiters a distinctions scheme for its members as a means of promoting photographic excellence. Photographers can progress from Licenciate, through Associateship to the highest level of Fellowship. The IPF distinctions are highly prized internationally, with many foreign photographers submitting panels for consideration.
The Irish Photographic Federation is 34 years old. We look forward to expanding our activities and to meeting the challenges of the ever-changing art of photography in this new decade.