The 31 st. IRISH NATIONAL AUDIO-VISUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS and the 4 th. IPF INTERNATIONAL AUDIO VISUAL COMPETITION will be held on Saturday, 19th & Sunday, 20th October, 2013, at Āras Chrónáin Ionad Cultúrtha, Watery Lane, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.
The judges will be Jill K. Bunting, C.P.A.G.B., and John Smith, A.P.A.G.B., C.P.A.G.B. They are joint editors of the Royal Photographic Society’s AV News and are well known in throughout the British AV community as award winning sequence makers, workshop lecturers and judges. This will be their first time to judge at the IPF AV Championships. We look forward to welcoming them and are delighted to have the opportunity to view some of their sequences and to hear their comments.
The closing date for Entry Forms (ONLY) is Friday, 13thSeptember, 2013.
All entry forms and entry fees should be sent to AV Group Secretary,
Lilian Webb, A.I.P.F., 66 Roseville, Naas, Co. Kildare (045-866160).
Entry Fees can also be payed by the PAYPal tranfer facility at using the email addess
The closing date for reception of Sequences is Friday, 20th September, 2013.
All Identification sheets and sequences should be sent, by electronic transfer ( to,
or post a CD/DVD to
Alan Lyons, A.I.P.F., Technical Team, 32 Oatfield Avenue, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. (01-6263658)
No sequences can be accepted after this date.
Full details; entry forms and Idendification sheets are available for download here: