All IPF Distinction Holders (except those who have paid a Lifetime Fee) are due to pay their Annual Fee for 2020 on 1st January next. The €25 Annual Fee (€15 for Distinction Holders over 65) is of vital importance to the funding of the IPF. Timely payment helps the IPF to plan many of its events for the coming year and beyond. All Distinction Holders who are due to pay an Annual Fee will receive a further reminder by email in mid-January. If you have not previously received a reminder, please contact the IPF by email at
Payment can be made by clicking HERE
The work carried out by the IPF has enabled our Affiliated Clubs and their members to progress Irish photography to the very high standards we see in our National Competitions and Distinction sessions, not to mention successes and distinctions in FIAP. In the 2019 FIAP Biennials Ireland was 4th in colour projections and 9th in colour prints – Worldwide!
The goodwill and support of everyone, particularly the Distinction Holders, is essential to continuing this success.
National Council of the IPF has had to review the collection of Distinction Annual Fees as part of its planning for the year ahead. Over the past few years, a large minority of IPF Distinction Holders have not attended to the payment of their Annual Fee, despite several requests to do so. This may have happened inadvertently but for whatever reason the fact remains that the IPF is not receiving a large amount of income which could be used to further benefit all Distinction Holders and all Affiliated Clubs. Council has now approved a policy which will allow those IPF Distinction Holders who are in arrears to make good their position. This policy means that lapsed Distinction Holders will only have to pay a maximum of 3 years for any arrears, even if they are in arrears for more than 3 years. But to avail of this, payment must be made by 31st March 2020.
In summary, this is the policy adopted by Council:
- Distinction Annual Fees are due for payment on 1st January and must be paid by 31st March.
- . If the Distinction Annual Fee for the current year plus any arrears for previous years have not been paid by 31st March 2020, the Distinction Holder will be advised that they will no longer be entitled to use their Distinction letters and the Distinction will automatically lapse.
- Distinction Holders whose Distinction has lapsed through non-payment of the Annual Fees will continue to be classified as advanced photographers for the purposes of IPF competitions, and organisers of national competitions will be able to check on this.