One of the key services provided by the federation is the IPF Distinctions service.
Individual photographers present their work before the distinctions judges, who assess whether the applicant should be awarded the relevant distinction applied for.
There are three levels of Distinction – each with their own section on the website. We have provided handbooks for each level of distinction and strongly recommend that all applicants take the time to study the relevant handbook for their level carefully. Handbooks are included in the page for each level.
- Licentiateship
- Associateship
- Fellowship
Distinctions sittings are currently held four times a year:
- March (all levels)
- May (all levels)
- September (all levels)
- November (all levels)
There is a fixed quota of the number of panels assessed at each session on a strictly first come, first served basis. We do not operate a waiting list or a standby list, and we ask that you respect the time given by our volunteers regarding queries about this.
Please also note that once you book your place on a session, you may not change the date or defer you application. If you choose not to proceed on the date you booked, your application fee will be forfeit.
Images used in a Licentiateship panel may not be subsequently used in an Associateship or Fellowship panel.
Images used in an Associateship panel may not be subsequently used in a Fellowship panel.
Panels must be presented in print form for IPF distinctions. Traditional transparencies (slides) or digitally projected images will not be accepted. Distinctions are also available for Audio Visual presentations. Please contact AV Group for further information.
We have now moved to a fully online application form. This form asks for the same information as the previous paper form; including your name, contact details, camera club and queries relating to your application. PayPal payment is also integrated in the new form, but we will still accept cheques from those not comfortable using PayPal. Please note that PayPal is preferred method of payment and you do not need a PayPal account to pay via Paypal as credit card details may be inserted as a guest user. You MUST use the online application form regardless of payment method.
The application fees are as follows for all new applications:
Members of IPF Affiliated Clubs:
- Licentiateship: €60
- Associateship: €80
- Fellowship: €100
For those who are not members of IPF Affiliated Clubs:
- Licentiateship: €80
- Associateship: €100
- Fellowship: €120
In the remainder of the Distinctions section of this website, you will find Handbooks for applicants of each level of distinction, a gallery of previous successful panels, a list of successful distinction applicants, distinctions protocol document, details of how to pay annual fees and how to order replacement pins/certificates.
Please study all available documentation and following that, if you should you have any queries, you may contact Bob Morrison, IPF Distinctions Secretary, via our ‘Contact Page‘ and choosing ‘Distinctions’ as the area to direct your query.