Serving Irish Photography
This session caters for LIPF and AIPF levels only. Update October 9th 2017 - all AIPF spaces have been booked with limited availability remaining for LIPF applications.
This session caters for all three levels. Update October 9th 2017 All AIPF and LIPF spaces have been booked. There is limited availability remaining for LIPF applications.
We hope that you are all working on your sequence/s for the 36th IPF National AV Championships. This year will also include the 1st Open Photo Harmony Competition. Aras Chronain is the venue once again on Saturday & Sunday, 20th & 21st October 2018. All welcome
The IPF Nature Group is delighted to announce that a projected image competition against the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA) has been arranged to take place in the lecture room of the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, at 2.00pm on Saturday 10thNovember 2018. The judges will be Mark Sedgwick FIPF EFIAP ESFIAP and Margaret Welby, […]
Mid East Region is delighted to announce that they have been able to secure the services of multi-award winner Ross McKelvey FIPF, EFIAP/P, MPAGB, to present a Photoshop Skills workshop in the Grand Hotel, Malahide, Co Dublin on Saturday 17th November 2018 from 10.00 until 16.00.
The national shield will be held in Palmerstown community School ,Pobalscoil iosolde on Sunday 18th November - Details via this link
The IPF AV Group Committee have organised the above in conjunction with Wilmslow Guild Audio Visual Group and East Midlands Audio Visual Group. There will be 7 sequences each shown from WGAV & East Midlands and time for discussion on these and then feedback sent back to both groups. The IPF 7 sequences have been shown […]
The Horse and Jockey Thurles Co. Tipperary