The AFIAP and EFIAP distinctions are gained through acceptances and awards at international competitions (salons). Further advancement can also be gained through the EFIAP levels. These EFIAP Levels are the EFIAP Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond 1, Diamond 2, and Diamond 3. A photographer gains each in turn starting with Bronze and completing with Diamond 3.
The EFIAP Bronze may be applied for after holding the EFIAP distinction for a period of one year. A photographer must hold the previous level for at least one year before applying for the next level.
There is an application for each level of distinction. The FIAP Liaison Officer can advise you on the current fee.
The IPF forwards distinction applications to FIAP once per year.
The FIAP Liaison Officer must have received your application by the closing date – which is the 28th of February each year. Results of applications are then advised by FIAP to the liaison officer within 3 months of receipt of the IPF applications.
The MFIAP (Master) is a separate distinction from the AFIAP and EFIAP (and levels). It has a different timetable. Any photographer who has a FIAP Life Card and who has held the EFIAP for a minimum of three years is eligible to apply for an MFIAP.
The MFIAP application is made by submitting a set of 20 prints with an accompanying Photographic CV of the photographer. The adjudication for MFIAP takes place once each year and is carried out by the FIAP Directory Board. The closing date for submission to the FIAP Liaison officer is 31 December each year. Anyone contemplating applying for the MFIAP should contact the FIAP Liaison Officer for more information. There is a fee for the MFIAP – the FIAP Liaison Officer can advise the current fee.
FIAP Liaison Officer
The FIAP Liaison Officer for Ireland is Paul Stanley FIPF EFIAP/g EsFIAP
All applications for FIAP membership and for FIAP distinctions must be made to him.
The FIAP Liaison Officer can be reached via the ‘FIAP Distinctions’ Dropdown menu on our contact page.
Photographer’s Card
Part of the process of applying for a FIAP distinction is for the photographer to also apply for a FIAP Photographer’s Card. This is a lifetime card and you must apply for it before applying for your first distinction – the AFIAP.
FIAP requires that anyone who applies for the AFIAP distinction MUST already be a holder of a FIAP Life Card. This card must be applied for BEFORE applying for the AFIAP distinction and can be done on the FIAP website.
If you already hold a FIAP distinction and wish to have a new FIAP Life Card to reflect your new distinction, then you can apply via the FIAP website AFTER you have your new distinction Certificate and Pin.
The photographer must include the number from their Life Card on all applications for FIAP distinctions.
For more details on how you can apply for a Life Card, please download this document:
All FIAP application forms need to be completed and forwarded to Paul Stanley, IPF Liaison Officer, on or before the 28th of February each year, by email and hard copy. Please contact Paul for more information and to register your application.
For the purposes of avoiding spam emails, we no longer publish email addresses, so please go to our contact page and select ‘FIAP Distinctions’ from the dropdown menu to get in touch with Paul.
Criteria Requirements for FIAP Distinctions
You may find the document linked below useful in explaining the requirements for FIAP Distinctions and how to complete the FIAP application form. Anyone who is planning to submit for a FIAP distinction should, first of all, familiarise themselves with this document and should then contact the FIAP Liaison Officer via the Contact Us Page of this website.
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve prepared a separate section on our website to deal with the most common queries we receive in relation to FIAP distinction applications. Please take a look at this section and if you can’t find the answer to your query, please go to our contact page and select ‘FIAP Distinctions’ from the dropdown menu to get in touch with Paul.
Fees & Payment