IPF approved Judges list.
Explanatory notes on judges approved by the IPF. This list has been produced to assist Clubs in developing programmes for their members. The list published on the Website does not include contact details for individuals. Contact details are included in the lists provided to Club Secretaries and may not be distributed. Judges are listed by Region and Surname.
There are three categories of judges (Column JC) – Level A, Level B, Level C. All three categories are qualified to judge Club Competitions.
The letter Z under type indicates that the judge is prepared to judge via Zoom.
Level A
Photographers who have judged international photography competitions or Salons.
Photographers who have judged/assessed IPF Distinctions after their trial period.
Photographers who have judged regional and national or IPF photography events or national open photography competitions.
Judges at this level must be of FIPF standard or equivalent.
Judges at Level A can judge at all levels.
Level B
This category is for photographers who have judged in club photography competitions and inter-club competitions.
The photographers in this section are deemed to have the proper skills and knowledge in the above genres and must be nominated and approved by their own Region.
Judges at level B must be of AIPF Standard or equivalent.
Judges at Level B can judge in club and inter club competitions
Level C
This category is for photographers who have judged club competitions and are recommended and approved by the Region. This category of judges should have the necessary skills and knowledge to judge club competitions.
Level C judges can judge club competitions.