The Irish Photographic Federation are pleased to announce details of the IPF National Shield 2021 Competition. This will be in digital format once again this year.
Key Dates
Registration: Your intention to participate, on or before Friday 15th October 2021
Competition closing date: Friday 29th October 2021
Results per Zoom: 14th November 2021
Entry fee: €60.00 – The reduced fees for 2021 reflect the reduced costs arising from this being a digital rather than a print competition.
Mr Gerry Andrews FIPF, ARPS, EFIAP
Mr Des Connors FIPF
Online Payment Form
Competition Details Page
Full details of the competition
Our Sponsor

Sheldon Long and his company, Fine Art Papers, are delighted to once again be involved as sponsors for the forthcoming National Shield 2021 which will be held via Zoom on the 14th of November next. Fine Art Papers are Ireland’s leading supplier of Epson printers and papers by Canson, Hahnemuhle, Fuji, Epson and St. Cuthbert’s. As a fully accredited Epson Gold Pro Partner for the supply of Epson printers, they have a fully functioning demonstration and printing suite for large format printers and Sheldon himself is available for printing and training workshops on both a club and individual level. You can check out their products on the following link: https://www.fineartpapers.ie or contact Sheldon directly on 087 2572688
Sheldon has had a long track record in supporting the National Shield and acknowledges the efforts put in by nearly thirty clubs every year to showcase the works of their non-advanced members. In his own words, “It is fantastic to see camera club members grow from their initial involvement with the Shield to advance members competing on the world stage”.