The 2018 IPF National Shield Competition is now open for entries. Sheldon Long and his Company Fine Art Papers are delighted to be once again be involved as sponsors for the forthcoming National Shield Event. Fine Art Papers are the leading supplier of papers by Canson, Hahnemuhle, Fuji, Epson and St. Cuthbert’s in Ireland and are a fully accredited Gold, Epson Pro Partner for the supply of Epson printers and inks.
Date: Sunday 17th November 2019
Closing Date: 10th November 2019
Location: Hotel Kilkenny (Eircode R95 KPO8)
Host Club: Kilkenny Photographic Society
Entry Fee: € 85.00
Entering the competition
Entry to the competition is by Emailing the following to:
- Digitally composed contact sheet of your panel layout in jpeg format only, 2400px on the longest side- Do not put any marking on the front i.e.: – your name or club name or any mark that would identify you
- Digital copies of all your individual panel images, must be at least 2,400 pixels on the longest side, jpeg format only.
- Digital copy of your entry form (excel spreadsheet) – The entry for is available for download at the bottom of this notice.
- Payment – Please pay the entry fee via this link. PayPal is preferred but even if you are paying by cheque, please fill out the short form on this link.
A number of significant changes have been made to the rules over the last number of years. These changes are being implemented as part of the review of national competitions which will be phased in over a period of time. These are outlined below. Please study these in conjunction with the 2019 Rules updated document which is available to download below.
The co-ordinator for this year’s National Shield is Andrew Magan AIPF EFIAP .

A few words from our sponsor: Sheldon Long and his Company Fine Art Papers are delighted to be once again be involved as sponsors for the forthcoming National Shield Event to take place in Kilkenny at Hotel Kilkenny on the 17thNovember next. Fine Art Papers are the leading supplier of papers by Canson, Hahnemuhle, Fuji, Epson and St. Cuthbert’s in Ireland and are a fully accredited Gold, Epson Pro Partner for the supply of Epson printers and inks. You can check them out on the following link:
In addition, Sheldon has a bespoke printing and framing service which he runs together with Framing Direct in Glenageary, Co. Dublin. He is also available for printing and training workshops on both a club and individual level.
Sheldon has had a long track record in supporting the National Shield and acknowledges the efforts put in by nearly thirty clubs every year to showcase the works of their non-advanced members. In his own words, “it is fantastic to see camera club members grow from their initial involvement with the Shield to advance members competing on the world stage”.
Many members have their work first exhibited at the National Shield and it is important that as many clubs as possible compete as Sheldon feels it brings out the competitive streak in some, the building of friendships in others and a familiarity with major competition that helps raise the standard and promote photography in Ireland.
Even if you or your club does not compete you should make a point of attending the National Shield at the Hotel Kilkenny on the 17thNovember next. To read more about the Shield Competition and its purpose, please read this document about it and browse through the galleries of previous years.
Clubs entering the competition are strongly advised to read and check the rules carefully of the IPF National Shield 2019 competition.
We are delighted to welcome the judges
- Ms Ann Cassidy MFA, FRPS, FIPF, AFIAP,
- Ms Judy Boyle FIPF, FRPS, MFIAP
- Mr Bob Given MPAGB, BPE3*, LBIPP
Number of images per panel: 8
Number of panels per club: 1 monochrome + 1 colour
2018 Winning images
To give inspiration, we are including the winning images from the 2018 National Shield competition.
Number of images per photographer
Not more than one image from any qualifying photographer may appear on any one panel (no more than one in colour and no more than one in mono). However, in the case of clubs with small memberships (defined as those who have affiliated as a small club in 2019 – under 30 members), a request may be made in writing to the National Shield Co-ordinator who, at his or her discretion, may allow up to two entries per photographer, up to a maximum of two photographers per panel. This is purely to facilitate smaller clubs to encourage them to enter the competition. This facility will not be allowed to larger clubs.
Whose photographs are allowed on National Shield Panel’s.
This is the most significant change from previous years. Previously, entry was restricted to non-advanced photographers only. Non-advanced was defined as persons who had not been awarded IPF distinctions or equivalent distinctions from other photographic organizations such as FIAP, PSA and the RPS, or persons who had won a set number of national or international awards.
From 2017 onwards, up to two images per panel may be allowed from photographers who have been awarded LIPF distinction.
However, as heretofore, anyone who has won more than one medal at national or international competitions will be excluded from entry in this competition along with the other conditions that define advanced.
Image Titles
As of 2017, clubs entering the competition will be required to provide a list of image titles (maximum of 35 characters per title) for each panel. These titles will be provided to the judges to assist them to interpret images. No additional marks will be awarded for titles. The provision of titles is intended to assist judges to interpret images and arises from requests from numerous judges in different competitions that they be afforded such a facility. It is good practice for photographers to title their images properly and we wish to encourage this. However, any title containing the photographer’s name or the name of the club, will not be allowed.
Points per Image
Each judge will award a maximum of ten points per image (= 30 points in total per image). Previously it was 20 points per judge per image.
The aim of the National Shield is to encourage clubs to enter their best images. No marks will be awarded for panel cohesion. This is not a change from previous years, merely a reminder. Clubs are advised to enter their very best images.
Judging procedures
As in all IPF competitions, scoring is carried out separately by the judges whose scores are then totalled at the end of judging. Judging will be done in private, however, judges will provide commentary prior to the awards ceremony.
Complaints procedure
Each competing club will be required to nominate two persons to represent their club at the competition. Complaints in relation to any image or panel will only be accepted from those designated representatives, an IPF Council member or a regional officer. A fee of €60 must accompany any complaint from a club official. If the complaint is upheld, the €60 will be refunded. The IPF Council may take further action against the offending club.
Please address any queries regarding the above to the competition co-ordinator:
Andrew Magan AIPF EFIAP
Mobile: 087 2331548
or via the contact page on our IPF website.