Irish Photographic Federation National Shield 2023
The IPF is pleased to announce details of the National Shield Competition for 2023.
This year’s event will be a print competition with a live presentation of panels, and an awards ceremony in Barbican Centre, Drogheda on November 25th. More details on this to follow in due course.
As part of the entry procedure clubs are obliged to register and pay the entry fee of €70 by going to the following link on the IPF Website
Click Here For Entry Form
Dates to note:
Club registration & payment opening: 5th October
Club registration & payment closing: 19th November midnight
Awards ceremony: November 25th Drogheda
Looking forward to a big attendance in Drogheda on the 25th of November.
Best of luck to all the participating clubs.
The IPF Competitions Committee
Click here to download a copy of Rules for the competition 2023
or read through below
1 Introduction
1. The competition shall take place at a date to be fixed by the National Council / Shield Coordinator.
2. The National Shield will be a Print Competition open to all clubs affiliated to the IPF.
3. The National Shield shall be competed for in each of the following categories, Monochrome Print and Colour Print.
4. The National Shield shall be awarded to the club with the highest aggregate total score across the two categories. Please read section 3.6
5. Clubs may compete in any or both of these two categories.
6. To compete, a club must submit eight images in each of the categories in which they wish to compete.
7. Of the eight images submitted in each category the following shall apply:
8. Only one image per photographer per panel is allowed
9. The competition is only open to the following photographers:
1) All photographers considered to be non-advanced as per IPF definition below
2) Advanced photographers (max two per panel), provided that the only criteria that makes them advanced is that they have a Licentiate i.e. Category (a) below.
3) Photographers who qualify as advanced under any of the other categories (i.e. b to f below) are not eligible.
IPF Definition of advanced:
Photographers who come under any of the following categories will be deemed to be Advanced photographers.
Persons who have –
(a) received an IPF distinction or similar i.e. FIAP, PSA, RPS or any other distinctions;
b) been awarded more than one IPF medal in IPF national competitions;
(c) whose image(s) have represented the IPF in international competitions;
(d) received an Acceptance or Acceptances with five or more image titles or one or more Awards, including a Ribbon, in FIAP and/or PSA recognized salons.
(e) Persons whose club considers them to be of advanced standard in any disciplines of photography (e.g. Monochrome Print, Colour Print, Projected Image, AV etc.).
(f) Photographers who, in the opinion of the Federation, are of advanced standard are not allowed to enter as “Non-Advanced”.
IPF Competitions & AI:
All IPF competitions, whether for individuals or club panels, are judged on photographic ability. For this reason, AI-generated images, whether wholly or partially generated, are not allowed in IPF competitions, and will not be awarded marks in any IPF competition.
In IPF competitions for individuals, entrants must confirm that their images do not include any AI generated elements, partially or wholly. In inter-club competitions each club must confirm that none of the images in the club’s panel have been wholly or partially generated by AI.
2 Entry
1. A Club must register its intention to enter and pay the appropriate fee. A link for this registration form will be emailed to each club and will also be available online.
2. A high-resolution digital contact sheet, in JPG format, suitable for projection, containing thumbnail images of entries is required. Do not put any marking on the front i.e number or title of images, your name or club name or any mark that would identify you.
3. Images entered in the competition must be the work of the nominated person and must have originated in-camera according to international competition rules. Where the IPF requests proof of authorship, such proof shall be provided without delay.
4. No person may represent more than one club in this competition.
5. Images used in any previous National Shield competition shall not be used in the current competition.
6. Infringement of any of the rules may cause the relevant image and panel to be disqualified.
7. A club shall not use the same image in more than one panel.
8. Maximum mount size is 50cm x 40cm (20 x 16 inches). (Generally clubs present prints window mounted, with card backing board. Spray mounted prints would also be acceptable.)
9. Prints may not be mounted on block-board, chipboard or similar materials, or be presented in frames, with or without glass. Such prints will not be displayed.
10. The following details must be clearly marked on the back of the mount in the bottom left corner:
1) Club Name
2) Author Name
3) Image Title
4) Panel Order
3 Participation in the Shield
1. The National Shield organisers shall issue entry forms and other documents, by which participating clubs can enter the competition.
2. Submission of the entry form constitutes acceptance of the rules of the competition.
3. The National Shield shall be adjudicated by three judges appointed by the Judges’ Selection Committee of the IPF.
4. The judges’ decisions are final, and no discussion of such decisions shall be entered into or entertained.
5. Scoring in the competition shall be on the basis of the official scoring method approved by the National Shield organisers. Results shall be based on the aggregate scores given by all judges to each competing panel. Each image shall be scored out of twenty (20) points per judge, the maximum available score being 480 points per panel.
6. In the event of a tie, the judges will be asked to choose the winning panel from those whose scores have tied. If it is not possible to separate the contestants by this means the award will be shared jointly.
7. It is not permissible to publicly dispute the judges’ decisions or comments at any time during the competition, up to and including the awards ceremony. Any contravention of this rule shall be dealt with by the National Shield organisers as they deem appropriate, to the extent, if necessary, of disqualifying a club whose member has contravened this rule.
4 General
1. The Irish Photographic Federation retains the right to reproduce any image entered in the competition in connection with publicising or promoting the competition, the IPF or an affiliated club. Copyright of the images shall, at all times, remain with the respective authors. The IPF retains the right to store the images in the National Photographic Archive Collection and may use them to create on-line galleries or may display them on the IPF website. The IPF retains the right to use any images entered in its competitions for use in international biennials.
2. The IPF Council’s decision in all matters relating to the National Shield shall be final.
3. Objections or complaints relating to an entry, an entrant or a panel, must be made in writing by the club secretary, the club competition secretary or a member of the IPF Council. Objections from any other source shall not be entertained under any circumstance. The objection must state clearly, in writing, the reasons for the objection and must be accompanied by an investigation fee of €50. The matter complained of will then be investigated by the coordinator and the competition organisers. If the objection is upheld, then the investigation fee will be returned. If the objection is deemed invalid, the IPF will not refund the investigation fee. A penalty of not less than €50 and not more than €150 may be imposed on the club against whom the objection has been proved valid.
4. It is incumbent on all participating clubs to ensure that they have adhered to the rules of the competition and all rules shall be enforced on the basis that all competing clubs and club members have taken full cognisance of the rules.
5. Monochrome & Colour images must conform to current FIAP specifications