On February 20th 2016, at the start of the awards ceremony for the IPF Photographer of the Year Competition in Kilkenny, IPF President Michael O’Sullivan, on behalf of the IPF, presented Niamh Whitty with the Brendan Walkin Memorial Award for her outstanding service to the Irish Photographic Federation.
Speaking about Niamh’s work for the IPF, Michael had this to say:
“For outstanding contributions to Irish Photography, specifically for her immense work in going above and beyond her role as IPF Webmaster. The work she has done has enabled the IPF to operate as a more efficient organisation, with a real-time digital footprint and a faster and more effective flow of information between all areas of the IPF, and our clubs and club members. This was achieved through an unfathomable amount of time, work and personal sacrifice to deliver vital tools (better, more effective web presences and newsletter) to allow the organisation to achieve its goals. Congratulations, Niamh on this fantastic, and well deserved achievement.”
Niamh joined Cork Camera Group is 2008 and has been involved in their committee since 2011, primarily as webmaster. She took on the role of webmaster of the Southern Association of Camera Clubs in 2012. In May of 2014, she was elected onto the council of the IPF at their AGM and shortly afterwards took on the position of webmaster of their website too which she immediately set about restructuring and upgrading. The IPF website you see before you today and the technology which underpins it is a result of countless hours of her work. In December 2014, the first edition of ‘Oscailt’, the IPF monthly newsletter was published. It’s a mammoth task every month to get the newsletter published. Niamh is the editor.
Aside from this work, Niamh is also well known for her beautiful abstract macro photography of flowers, for which she holds a Fellowship with the IPF and was also awarded with an Associateship from the Royal Photographic Society.
Congratulations Niamh and thank you!