During the Judging at the IPF Shield Nov 25th approx 11 AM there will
be a presentation of ” The 50 Francis Street Photographer” by Suzanne
Behan. From religious processions and Dublin traditions, to when
women drank in the snug and the ‘good suit’ came in and out of the
pawn shop when needed, The 50 Francis Street Archive is a unique
collection of stunning, original photographs, a fascinating social
history and celebration of people and places from the Photographer
John Walsh’s life’s works. John Walsh ran his photography business out
of a small shop on 50 Francis Street in inner city Dublin. For over
fifty years, he took thousands of photos of all aspects of Dublin life
-street photography, iconic religious events, social life, tenement
life, and a first-hand view of life in this era, Here in this talk
the images from the 50s and 60s are brought to life by his
granddaughter Suzanne who will give us a unique and nostalgic look of
an integral part of changing city.